1 : 1 Consultations

My goal as your Ayurvedic health coach is to help you examine your diet and lifestyle to make appropriate changes that enhance your overall health and well-being. 

Together we will discuss and address sleep, food, and eating habits, relationships, and emotional, spiritual, and psychological imbalances. We will then create a uniquely tailored plan that aligns with your dosha, health and wellness goals.

The plan we create will meet you in the middle and will take into account what you can incorporate and/or remove from your life right this moment. 

From there, we'll continue to talk and reflect upon the changes you've witnessed and adjust accordingly. 

Remember Ayurveda is all about finding what works for you in your current situation.

Here's exactly what's included:

  • 1 Session (75+ minutes).

  • 30 minute follow-ups as needed.

  •  Customized mudra and asana practice for your current imbalance.

  • Journaling prompts for intuitive practice and reflective thinking.

  • Unlimited email support and web messenger contact.

  • Recorded video and audio copy of our session via Zoom.

Consultation Total: $165

I am honored to be on this journey with you. If you are ready to take the next step and book your consultation click here.