Essential Oils

Mother nature has given us everything that we need to be healthy, to heal and to balance, and even to indulge. We have our food with her nature, we have our sweet craving with her fruits, and we have our medicine with her plants and herbs. 

Because of our busy life, we fall victim for the quick fix that will take the pain away. What we don't realize is that that "quick-fix" is simply suppressing our body's natural call for help and the true origin of discomfort goes ignored again. This happens when we grow detached from the body, when we never turn inward for answers but turn outwards for solutions to our aching body. 

What is an Essential Oil

Essential oils are the medicine that nature gave to us and with advances in technology, man perfected. Essential oils are composed of hundreds of chemical constituents that combine to provide plants with their healing powers. All of these chemicals occur naturally in nature. 

[Essential oils] function in nature as secondary metabolites in their plant of origin. Whereas a primary metabolite is essential to a plant's survival, essential oils (second metabolite) provide protection from predators or other threatening influences, and promote healthy reproduction, contributing to attracting pollinators and other vital processes.

Humans, like plants, are carbon-based, so the extracted oils are compatible and function the same way in the human body. 

Essential oils are not only used to make a home smell pleasant, they can be used as natural cleaners and disinfectants, skin and hair care products, and they can even help treat chronic and acute health conditions.  When we breathe in the synthetic compounds found in bathroom cleaners and disinfectants, we are bringing those toxic chemicals into our body and embedding them in our tissues. Same applies to shampoos, perfumes, and everything made in a lab. Essential oils are different because they are made in nature and augment our health instead of stunting it.

Essential oils are so potent that 1 drop of peppermint oil is equivalent to the medicinal compounds found in 28 cups of peppermint tea. They are that powerful and absorb quickly into the bloodstream. You can start feeling the calming effects of lavender within 30 seconds of taking a whiff, or the pain reducing effects of Copaiba as soon as you apply it, or take it internally. They are that powerful!

However, not all oils are created the same. Ask me about the $10 essential oil pack that I bought on Amazon. Within less than a year, the oils began to smell rancid and sour. Essential oils are not regulated, so an oil company can advertise 100% pure, or organic, yet be filled with chemical compounds or additives to save time and make more money. So what was I really breathing in with my $10 oils? Possibly anything but the plant. 

When an industry is not regulated, it is impossible to know who we can trust. doTERRA has created the CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade standard that ensures to the public that these oils and products are fairly-traded, of the highest quality, and third-party tested. 

doTERRA oils saved my life and that is why I trust them for my health and the health of my loved ones. I am honored to be growing a team of conscious living people that take health into their own hands.


How to get your oils:

To become a doTERRA Wholesale member (and receive 25% off of your oils):

There is a one-time membership fee of $35. You can easily waive the fee by purchasing a starter kit because all starter kits come with a FREE membership!

Step 1. Choose a Starter Kit
I suggest the Healthy Start Kit or the Healthy Essentials Kit. You can also add any additional oils that you'll want into your cart.
Step 2. Enter Information
Fill in your personal information and shipping address. Choose Wholesale Customer.
Step 3. Checkout
Enter your payment information and process order. You'll receive an email from doTERRA with your order confirmation and wholesale account information.

After you get your order

Once enrolled as a member, I will reach out to you personally to schedule your FREE Wellness Consultation. You will also gain access to weekly oil classes, our private Facebook community, and continuing education classes and support form me.