
10 Ways to Balance Vata Dosha

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

10 Ways to Balance Vata Dosha

Vata derangement is not only physical, but mental as well, and equally debilitating. The mind is our most powerful tool, it has the ability to alter our realities and make us believe them. Physiological disturbances occur often in vata types when the ether and air elements are too high. Vata's excess of air causes instability and agitation in the mind, which results in excessive thinking or worrying and makes our problems appear worse than they really are. David Frawley, Ayurveda and the Mind Just as the wind can carry the other doshas out of their organs, it can carry the  thoughts...

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Purposeful Living

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

Purposeful Living

Our mental health and wellbeing is as important as the food on our plate. It influences our body's health and stability. To have a well-balanced meal, but a stressed induced life run by negativity and confusion, is not going to make a difference in our health. The mind is the most powerful tool in the universe. It can create whole scenarios and delusions, it can manifest and deny emotions, it can bring a vision into our reality! It can be the center of life, or of eternal destruction. There is one purpose that is true for all organic beings; we...

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Vata Sub-Doshas

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

Vata Sub-Doshas

The sub doshas of vata are energies that move and interact in specific ways, they help the body maintain balance and function properly. There are five main directions that vata is moving: Pranavayu- "life's air" coming from the outside to the inside Udanavayu- process of air moving from inside to outside; verbal expression Vyanavayu- Circulation, moving from the center to the periphery Samanavayu- Digestive energy and movement Apanavayu- Downward flow of energy and fluids These five energies are responsible for a certain sector of the body and for the flow of energy from that sector to the rest of the...

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Dinacharya: Summed-Up

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Dinacharya: Summed-Up

So much more goes into consideration when coming up with a daily schedule. We cannot simply follow the daily rhythm of someone else and pass it off as my own. What works for them may not work for us. Ayurveda does not believe that one diet can serve all purpose. Rather, views nutrition as extremely differentiated. What really counts is the energy of food and the influence it exerts on the doshas as well as the condition of the digestive capacity of a person. What is is food for one person can be poison to someone else. Hans H. Rhyner,...

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Understanding Vata Dosha

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

Understanding Vata Dosha

Let's dive a little deeper into vata dosha . People with a vata constitution have a low body weight, or fluctuate a lot with high lows and high ups, they are usually slim with narrow bone structures. A common feature is visible veins due to thin, dry skin. They are less stable in aspects such as digestion, eating habits, sleep habits; they rarely follow a schedule and are always up for an adventure. This is why they are very creative, but also why they are prone to imbalance more often. Vata digestion follows the rhythm of their unstableness. They infrequently...

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