
Dinacharya: Midday/Evening Routine

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Dinacharya: Midday/Evening Routine

The midday and evening routine should consist primarily of work and winding down. Midday is the pitta time of day and the time where we fulfill our dharma, the duties that have been assigned to us by society.  Laborious and mental effort should take place during this time. Doing work outside of this will not allow the body to engage in what it instinctively needs to do. For example, waking up at 6:00 am and jumping on a business call at 6:10 am, or being 12: 00 am and still calculating numbers; this is like going from 0-100 and running...

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Dinacharya: Morning Routine

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Dinacharya: Morning Routine

The morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. Having a good morning constitutes of three things: A gratitude prayer Setting your intention for the day Elimination When we have those three in the morning, the day is already 70% better. A healthy person must get up in early morning [between 4:00a.m.-6:00a.m.] and judge himself if his previous meal is digested (if it is still to be digested he should continue sleeping and rise after a little time). Hans H. Rhyner, Llewllyn's Complete Book of Ayurveda This is where modern life might get in the way. Some people...

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Dinacharya: The Importance of Keeping a Daily Routine

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Dinacharya: The Importance of Keeping a Daily Routine

Do you have that one friend or family member that is so predictable? That they do the same things at the same time, day after day?  Keeping a daily rhythm, or dinacharya, is important to maintain the balance and overall stability of the body. When the body knows what is coming, it prepares itself ahead of time to receive it. The more the body knows what is happening and at the time that it is happening, the more the body expects it and the better the outcome will be. We want to do our best to maintain the stress levels...

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Dharma is the work that we do here on earth. It is the work that guides us closer to the creator. With everything that we do we are performing the Creator’s work. We are here as vehicles of God’s love and grace -that is our sole purpose. The medium through which we do that is different for everyone and that is what we have to figure out. How am I going to deliver love and grace onto the world?  Dharma is the goal of fulfilling the duties assigned to us by our positions in society. - Dr. Robert E. Svoboda...

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10 Ways to Balance Pitta Dosha

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10 Ways to Balance Pitta Dosha

Pitta's derangement is not only physical, but mental as well and equally debilitating. With strong negative emotions, such as: anger, arrogance, and hatred, pitta psychological disturbance makes the person a short fuse. Psychological disturbances are moderate in pitta type. They usually have strong self-control but can be self-centered and antisocial. The fire and heat of pita cause the mind to be narrow and contentious, fighting either with other or themselves. David Frawley, Ayurveda and the Mind Pitta psychological disorders are due to too much heat and fire in the body. Usually people begin to sweat when overtaken with anger, usually get...

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