
Posted by Magali Lomeli on

Dharma is the work that we do here on earth. It is the work that guides us closer to the creator. With everything that we do we are performing the Creator’s work. We are here as vehicles of God’s love and grace -that is our sole purpose. The medium through which we do that is different for everyone and that is what we have to figure out. How am I going to deliver love and grace onto the world? 

Dharma is the goal of fulfilling the duties assigned to us by our positions in society.

- Dr. Robert E. Svoboda

 In almost every job, the goal is to bring value to the customer. Often, it’s something that the customer finds intriguing and brings joy in one way or another. In whatever we decide to do, we make the world a better place even if it's just for one person. That one person will then make the world a better place for someone else, and so on and so forth; it’s a domino effect. Bringing joy and happiness is fulfilling our dharma. 

How am I going to show love and grace today? 

I empower people to become the healers of their home. To find peace in the uncertainty of things and to surrender and have undying faith in the plan.  This is so freeing and so beautiful to experience -to just surrender to a worry free life. Knowing that if something does not work out, we just start again. Not letting our emotions fuel us with rage and anger, but fueling ourself with energy to start again. 


Nowhere does it say that we cannot bring joy and grace to the world and still make money. Starbucks did it, Target, clothing stores, crystal shops, etc. They all bring value and joy to people and they make money. 

This knowledge is free, but the book from where we read it is not. Bottomline, money is very important and at the center of almost everything that we do. Sustaining myself and my family by doing that things that I love is how I envision my life. Nothing sounds better than to make an income doing what I love -empowering people to become healers. This is how I fulfill my dharma. Happiness in doing what fulfills us is contagious, that happiness is going to be passed on. Fulfill your dharma. But how?

Duty without attachment. 

Living a life without attachment; being unmoved by excitement and anger. Just performing our duty without worrying about the outcome. We get so lost in the outcome, or income, of our labor that we forget the WHY behind us venturing into the spaces that we find ourselves currently. Fulfillment of wealth and spirit will come from our self-discipline. The self-control we exert to continue to work as if it was our very first day. 

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