10 Ways to Balance Pitta Dosha

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

Pitta's derangement is not only physical, but mental as well and equally debilitating. With strong negative emotions, such as: anger, arrogance, and hatred, pitta psychological disturbance makes the person a short fuse.

Psychological disturbances are moderate in pitta type. They usually have strong self-control but can be self-centered and antisocial. The fire and heat of pita cause the mind to be narrow and contentious, fighting either with other or themselves.
David Frawley, Ayurveda and the Mind

Pitta psychological disorders are due to too much heat and fire in the body. Usually people begin to sweat when overtaken with anger, usually get red, and are untouchable. They become aggressive and hostile, blame others for their faults, and are ready for a fight. People with a  pitta psychological disorder do not take responsibility for themselves, so they find others to blame. Like a bomb with a lot of tension explodes, so does the person with a pitta psychological disorder; they need to release and vent the built-up anger and agitation.

A person with a pitta imbalance is not easily approachable and will not adhere to other's advice. They are authoritarian, domineering, and sometimes psychotic. A fire that is not put out keeps growing and it expands a great length; the pitta fire in the body is no different  -it will continue to grow unless it is brought back to a balanced level.

10 Practices to Keep

  • Avoid direct sunlight, prefer a hammock under a shade tree and use a sunhat when the sun is burning bright.
  • Consume foods that are opposite in quality. Foods that are cool, heavy, dry, stable, bitter, sweet, astringent. Such as: cucumber, watermelon, mung beans, rice, avocado, broccoli, cauliflower, most fresh fruits that provide the cooling that pitta needs. 
  • Avoid spicy food! Avoid overly greasy food, and limit food with heating spices, such as: garlic, onion, cayenne, pepper, salt, etc.
  • Pitta requires a different kind of yoga than what it will like to practice. People with a pitta constitution will seek aggressive, competition fueled yoga sequences, but that usually leads to further imbalance. They come to balance with cooling, relaxing sequences, ones that allow them to surrender and calm their often hot heads.
  •  Spinal twists and bends to apply gentle pressure on the digestive organs, chest openers to release excess heat. Don't push your body, relax and enjoy the sequence. Eyes closed to avoid comparisons. Outdoor, nature yoga is best, avoid the hottest hours of the day and heated rooms. 
  • Coconut oil on the soles of the feet, or massaged onto the scalp is perfect when feeling a little too fiery. 
  • Avoiding competitions at all times. It is best for for the mental stability of the pitta individual.
  • Frequent visits to the garden, a park, or a lake is refreshing and provides a cool breeze to chill the heat.
  • Surrendering practices such as journalling, or confiding in someone. Pitta types tend to hold everything in until they explode. They need to be able to allow themselves to feel tired and say that they have had too much.
Meditating on the mantra YAM, Shrim, Sham, or Ma delivers love, devotion, and compassion. It reduces judgement and increases acceptance and listening. With a very critical nature, pitta needs to cultivate compassion more often.

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