
The Self

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

The Self

The self is the all knowing being that is selfless and true. It is the intelligence beyond thought; our primal nature and immortal being. The soul is the source of life (prana), love and light, which are its three main powers. Because of it we wish to live forever, to be perfectly happy, and to know absolute truth. ‍ David Frawley, Ayurveda And The Mind We are the Creator The soul is the entity that knows that we are part of the creator, therefore we are the creator. Just like a banana cut into a hundred pieces does not cease...

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The Ego

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

The Ego

Ego introduces the principle of division, through which consciousness is fragmented and strife become possible. It keeps the subjective aspect of our being (self) trapped in some objective form or quality, various bodily sensations or mental states in which there is change and sorrow. ‍David Frawley, Ayurveda And The Mind The ego expresses externally while the self turns inward, our inner voice telling us "this does not feel right" or, "stop this behavior;" pretty much the voice of regret (according to the ego). The voice that knows all truth and understanding, but the voice that is rarely heard. The loudness...

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Ego vs. Self: The Never Ending Battle

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

Ego vs. Self: The Never Ending Battle

Have you noticed that there is an ongoing battle between  the ego and the self that can sometimes be too much to handle? They are both part of our whole being, they both help in understanding the world around us, and guide us our true purpose. But why do we sometimes say one thing, but act upon the complete opposite? For example, why say yes to going out to a party, that you know will get rowdy, when you really just want to say no? One is the ego, the other is the self. Can you tell which is which?...

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Emotions and Stress

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

Emotions and Stress

Stress and misguided eating habits have stripped the natural calm and silence from our bodies at the cellular level.  John Doulliard, The 3-Season Diet When we are consumed by stress, the body does not function properly. There is a constant battle; the body is the field, and as the field, the body suffers. The body's natural functions are trying to adhere to the duties they are suppose to do, but the thugs that are the stress hormones are impeding those very functions to take place. How can a body thrive if it is run by destruction and fear?   Overview of Stress Hormones ...

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The Maha-Gunas

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

The Maha-Gunas

The gunas are the most subtle qualities of nature; light and dark forces . They are energies that govern our minds, both consciously and subconsciously.  The gunas are present in the universe as the positive forces that we are after versus the negative forces that we battle with everyday. The universe is full of life and energy that propel us toward the Creator, but there are also dark energies that prevent us from reaching higher consciousness. These are internal and external forces that manifest primarily by the food that we eat and secondly by the energy of our thoughts, experiences,...

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