The Maha-Gunas

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

The gunas are the most subtle qualities of nature; light and dark forces . They are energies that govern our minds, both consciously and subconsciously.  The gunas are present in the universe as the positive forces that we are after versus the negative forces that we battle with everyday. The universe is full of life and energy that propel us toward the Creator, but there are also dark energies that prevent us from reaching higher consciousness. These are internal and external forces that manifest primarily by the food that we eat and secondly by the energy of our thoughts, experiences, and actions. They are:

Sattva- contentment and happiness, balance, harmony, color white, related to vata dosha.
Rajas- restless effort, passion, color red, related to pitta dosha.
Tamas- creates resistance and produced apathy and inertia, indifference, darkness, color black, related to kapha dosha

According to Ayurveda, a life that is pure goodness, that is harmonious, balanced, and stable, is a sattvic life. There is deep desire in awakening the soul and living with the rhythms of nature, in peace, happiness, and loving the union that holds all beings together. This is eternal living. This is where the Self flourishes.

A rajastic lifestyle is ego driven. It is instant gratification, ambitious, and materialistic in nature. It seeks to please the ego first. There is a deep passion that encourages factors that cause imbalance which lead to disease. Rajas causes pain and agitation. Like painful breathing after sprinting a mile to show off how fast you are.

A tamasic lifestyle is one of destruction. It is darkness and dullness; it seeks meaning externally and equates happiness with material possessions. One is easily attached. Tamas brings decay and death; giving up on life.  

How do they manifest in the body?

Sattvic life equates to healthy living. Sattva is the light that guides our curiosity and love for the world. It is the way we view life, the way we act towards others, and freedom of fear, anger, ego, ignorance, and all that hold us back. We realize the beauty in the world and in people. We live genuinely, not artificially. The saying, "just be you," is appropriate in a sattavic life. But, the real, that soul that is you. Not the socially acclaimed "I don't care what others think, I'm being me (at the cost of being disrespectful and rude to others)." This is a prime example of rajastic living, seeking to validate and uphold pride; which eventually leads to pain. Genuine living is being one with the Creator and all that he created, plants, animals, and humans alike. Showing love and respect without expecting it in return. Being dismissive when insults strike because

" makes more sense to change the way one looks at one's own life than to change the whole world."

Hans. Rhyner

Tamasic comes about when the mind is so corrupted with socially acclaimed ways of being. When the materials that we own, own us. We are nothing without cars, status, money, electronics, jewelry, just to name a few. We cannot detach because we lose sense of who we are. Our whole identity is contingent on material possessions than on who we really are -intention and purpose. 

What can be done now

  • Recognize the negativity, pessimism, and darkness in your life and learn from it. Now, I'm not suggesting that you quit your job. But internalizing that you are not your job, releasing, and breaking away mentally will open the door to healing.
  • Moving from a tamasic lifestyle to a rajasic lifestyle is the first step. You must find your value and self-worth within you. Find meaning in what you are doing, even it is to become the very best in your field. Seeking status, pleasures, and happiness will bring you out of the darkness that over took your life. Find purpose to keep moving!

How do you envision your life? Make that vision your waking reality

  • Once in a rajasic lifestyle, breaking away from egotistic pleasure like validation, status, and instant gratification must be broken and turned into surrendering. Let go of personal seeking and accumulation, and turn your attention to outside of you. Seeking to help others and living simply. Becoming selfless, unattached to personal problems, and developing a union with the natural world is our path toward everlasting healing.
  • Stop dividing your attention. Be present with the senses, mind, and body, especially with food. Food is such an integral part of our health, it should be treated and given our utmost respect and attention.
  • Think about what your illness means psychologically. For example, constipation quite literally means "can't let go." What in your life is difficult to let go of? For me, it was pride, ego, and all that a rajasic lifestyle is.  Look for the psychological meaning of your imbalance and explore that idea further.
  • Understand that suffering is the path toward spirituality and healing. The outer mind attempts to seek happiness outside of us, with the physical. When that is not attained, we fall into a rut and lead our life down the path of suffering. Without that path, we would not understand the beauty of this world and of the Self.

" are right where you are suppose to be, trust the process"


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