Healing the Body

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

To Heal the Body We Must Also Heal the Mind And Senses

It is not enough to drink a few teas, up your intake of water, do a few yogic breaths, and think that that should be enough. In order to heal the body, we must heal the mind, the senses, and understand the factors in our life that are causing a disturbance within us. The body is a unit and we must fix it as we fix a car; fix one thing at a time before it's safe to drive again. Dr. Hans Rhyner says "sometimes, the body follows the mind and at other times, vice versa."  We must first get to the root of the disease and understand its origin. 

The body itself is a mental organism, a vehicle of perception designed to support the functions of the senses and to facilitate experience by the mind. Any breakdown in bodily function has its root in the perceptual process and results from wrong use of the senses. Too much, too little, or wrong use of the senses results in wrong actions that cause us eventual pain. To understand how our body functions, we must see how we use our minds.
David Frawley, Ayurveda and the Mind

Mental disturbance stems from the wrong use of the senses; which in turn, manifests itself in the form of illness in the body.

How do we misuse the senses?

One misuses the senses: sight, sound, smell, touch, taste, to purely benefit the ego. The ego thrives on instant gratification and pleasure. By letting negative energy and constant temporary pleasures into the body, we invite disturbance and confusion to take residence in the mind. The mind processes everything, it metabolizes ideas, images, and sounds. It makes those energies part of our perception. It becomes our reality. When we watch a disturbing movie of kids being murdered, or abused, those images and feelings become part of us for the duration of the movie and well after. Now, imagine doing that everyday because you're a movie director? Being exposed to negativity, fear, and horror is going to have lasting affects on the mind and, indirectly, to the body.

If we watch Netflix, scroll social media, or have a heated conversation while eating, then the body will not digest the food well because the mind is also digesting images and emotions simultaneously. Our mental power is so strong that we can literally lose ourselves in our thoughts and loose perception of us and the world around us. Before my healing journey, I was so immersed in my thoughts that I would go totally blank when I drove on the freeway. I tuned on auto pilot, got from point A to Point B, and had no recollection of the drive. That is how powerful our minds are. They are a beings of themselves that cannot be controlled, but they can be stimulated and managed through the senses. The senses and mind relationship is a chain reaction- feed negativity, manifest negativity; feed positivity, manifest positivity.

Mental diseases arise mainly from internal factors, like wrong use of the senses and the accumulation of negative emotions.

David Frawley, Ayurveda and the Mind

Which in turn, mental diseases manifest into bodily malfunctions. If someone is anxious and nervous, then they will have issues with their digestive system; it will be as unpredictable as their thoughts. They will tend to be constipated as they try to hold on to everything in their life to keep the peace of mind and stability. If someone exposes themselves to high action movies, or sports, then they will constantly be on edge, acne, high blood pressure, cardiac issues, all resulting from adrenaline circulating throughout the body and producing a high that keeps them active. The mind manifests everything in the body.

What are you digesting everyday? Consider keeping a journal and noting everything that your senses are taking in. 

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