Ego vs. Self: The Never Ending Battle

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

Have you noticed that there is an ongoing battle between  the ego and the self that can sometimes be too much to handle? They are both part of our whole being, they both help in understanding the world around us, and guide us our true purpose.

But why do we sometimes say one thing, but act upon the complete opposite?

For example, why say yes to going out to a party, that you know will get rowdy, when you really just want to say no?

One is the ego, the other is the self. Can you tell which is which? The ego speaks for the self on almost everything. The ego wants to be likable, wants to fit in, does not want to miss out on an experience; the ego pretty much runs the show.

The self is powerless in the presence of the ego.

In summary,

the internal battle between the self and the ego, is not one of winning or loosing. It is one of creating balance and keeping the balance. Which is the hardest thing to do. Imagine a machine balancing sand, there is sand on both sides and sand is continually being placed on this machine. If more sand is placed on one side, then both sides will tumble over and loose all of the sand they've earned.

The soul and ego tumbling over is a sense of not knowing anything -neither Self, nor the ego self. Leading down the abyss of depression and anxiety. The ego is broken; it buries itself in its own victim sorrow, blaming others instead of taking responsibility. The soul at this point has no voice and offers no consolation to the ego. This is a tamasic state, loss of awareness with the material world and no knowledge of the true self.

This can happen when something dramatic occurs in one's life that challenges their way of viewing at the world. For example, being lied to their whole life, losing what they identified with, losing faith in their values, ideas, people, etc. These are major changes that can have severe impact on one's mental state.

Check in

Through constant checkins with the self, the ego begins to silence. Journaling, is one way to  examine the ego and the true self and track their progress:

  1. What are you identifying with today?
  2. How are you using the senses?
  3. What are your attachments? Physical or psychological?
  4. What kind of information affects you most? Negative or positive?  
  5. How do you react to positive and negative information?
  6. Imagine that you were dying today. You'd lose everything and everyone; how would you feel?
  7. If everything was gone tomorrow: wealth, power, fame, would you still be genuinely happy?

You hold the knowledge to understanding your own life and your purpose here on earth. Let your soul sing and manage the ego, or else the ego will control you and guide you into misery.

Life is the true test of balance. 

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