Emotions and Stress

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

Stress and misguided eating habits have stripped the natural calm and silence from our bodies at the cellular level. 

John Doulliard, The 3-Season Diet

When we are consumed by stress, the body does not function properly. There is a constant battle; the body is the field, and as the field, the body suffers. The body's natural functions are trying to adhere to the duties they are suppose to do, but the thugs that are the stress hormones are impeding those very functions to take place. How can a body thrive if it is run by destruction and fear?  

Overview of Stress Hormones 

Cortisol -a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Its main function is  to increase sugar in the bloodstream to use as energy. It also regulates the body functions that are not essential at the time of a fight or flight situation, such as: reproduction, digestion, immunity, etc. Think of the effects of this hormone circulating in the body long term. 

Adrenaline -when the brain recognizes stressful/life-threatening situation, the adrenal glands releases this hormone. It is responsible for the immediate reactions we do in a stressful situation, such as: fight or flight. Muscles tighten, breathing heavily, heart pounding, sweating, these are all reactions of adrenaline in the body.

These hormones, among others, are largely responsible for the body's immediate reactions to certain situations. They influence each other and are very much akin to one another. Now, imagine the long term effects of these hormones on the body? What would that look like? 

As stress and misfortune are inevitable parts of life, we must learn how to deal with them when they do arise so that they do not overrun the body and lead it to its destruction. When opposites attract in nature, chemistry, there is no limit to the amount of potential energy. 


If stress is detrimental to the body, then the emotions that arise after a stressful situation are detrimental to the mind. Thus, detrimental to the body. 

While most of us live in cities, our biggest threat might not be running away from a lion, but the lion in a suit. Work and social obligations are what consume our energy on a daily. Consider these:  

Have you moved recently?

Have you started a new job, relationship?

Did you lose something, or someone major in your life?

Have you had a major change in your life?

Are you overtaken by stress?

Are you constantly fearful, angry, depressed, anxious, annoyed?

Are you exposed to negative people, or positive people?

Are you prideful?

Are you attached to any material object? To someone?

These are some considerations of the mind over powering the body. Instability, being influenced by others, or emotions, the mind takes what we feel and manifests it in the body -stress.

Our emotional wellbeing is as important as what we put on a plate. We fuel ourselves with our own thoughts, as well as the thoughts of those around us. Our ego wants us to believe that we are not easily influenced by others, but human beings are the easiest species to be influenced. Subconsciously, we begin to talk, think, and act like the people that are around us the most. Are the thoughts of those people around you alive and positive? Or, are they negative and lifeless?

Your thoughts, and those whose you absorb, are digested by your mind and used as energy for the body, "we can observe this by noting how our mind's functions change with physical fluctuations, how our behavior changes along with our diet, exercise patterns or intake of sensory impressions."  Ayurveda has a saying: it's not what you eat, it's what you digest.

What are you digesting everyday? Consider keeping a journal and noting everything that your senses are taking in. 

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