The Self

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

The self is the all knowing being that is selfless and true. It is the intelligence beyond thought; our primal nature and immortal being.

The soul is the source of life (prana), love and light, which are its three main powers. Because of it we wish to live forever, to be perfectly happy, and to know absolute truth.
David Frawley, Ayurveda And The Mind

We are the Creator

The soul is the entity that knows that we are part of the creator, therefore we are the creator. Just like a banana cut into a hundred pieces does not cease to be a banana. We realize that we to hold the power of God to transform, to be selfless, and all loving.

The soul is our truest self. When the soul's voice is clear and we understand who we really are- "I am" is established and there is no denying it.

When the soul comes forth, we set aside our transient ego goals and organize our lives toward our eternal goal of God-realization. The soul is the most subtle form of the ego or individuality, through which we can go beyond the ego.
David Frawley, Ayurveda And The Mind

The soul is where we use the intelligence to see beyond thoughts themselves. To understand ourselves in unison with all life on Earth.

The distinction between God and man is that God controls ignorance, man is controlled by it.

The soul is where we heal the wrongdoing of the ego. The soul is not the location of disease or illness, it is where we rehabilitate the mind and break the chains of the ego.

Breaking the Chains 

We cease to be controlled by the ego and we develop the soul's voice louder and ever more powerful. The ignorance of our past lives, our emotions, and true purpose is clear.

Why were you given life? It was not merely to suck the air out of Earth.  The answer to existential questions are clear and everything else seems unimportant when the soul becomes our truest self.

We were given life for a reason. When the ego is in charge, we lose sight of that reason and never pursue it. Starting the cycle of birth and rebirth over again. When the ego is silenced and our true voice is heard, we know exactly what we're suppose to do here and how to do it. But it is not enough knowing. We must act towards that purpose and make it our living consciousness. And that is why we need the ego.

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