
Pitta Sub-Doshas

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

Pitta Sub-Doshas

The sub doshas of pitta are energies that transform and interact in specific ways to help the body maintain balance and function properly. There are five main ways that pitta is transforming: Pacakapitta digestion of food and information Ranjaka pitta production of red blood cells Alocakapitta function of the eyes and digestion of images Bhajakapitta body temperature and production of skin pigment Sadhaka pitta spiritual self, capable of understanding the truth about ourselves Pitta sub-doshas are all of the ways that pitta is manifesting in the body. The way that it works alongside the other doshas to bring us the...

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Understanding Pitta Dosha

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

Understanding Pitta Dosha

Let's join the realm of pitta  dosha. Most adults, despite their dominant constitution are in the pitta phase of their life. This phase is the active phase of our life, we need pitta's passion, courage, intellect, clarity, and bravery to get the job done and fulfill our dharma -our duties assigned to us by society (job, career). People with a pitta constitution are always alert and active. They have a well-functioning metabolism and tend to eliminate with ease multiple times in a day. People with pitta dosha have a well developed muscular body with flexible limbs. They transform their energy into...

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10 Ways to Balance Kapha Dosha

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

10 Ways to Balance Kapha Dosha

People with a kapha type have the least amount of psychological problems, or are the least likely to voice them. The way kapha psychological disturbances invade the mind is through the body; kapha energy becomes disturbed and dulls the senses; which leads to unclarity and a foggy mental state. Kapha psychological unrest involves attachment and lack of motivation leading to depression, sorrow, and clinging. The mind may be incapable of abstract, objective or impersonal thinking. David Frawley, Ayurveda and the Mind Kapha does not do well with change and often wants to keep things how they are, even if they...

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Kapha Sub-Dosha

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

Kapha Sub-Dosha

Subdoshas of Kapha The sub-doshas of kapha are energies that create the tissues of the body and support the building of new tissues. Kapha is construction, so the five sub-doshas of kapha are the construction workers of kapha dosha. Avalambaka kapha extracellular fluids Kleda kapha digestive lubrication Tarapaka kapha moisture and lubrication Bodhaka kapha saliva and taste receptors Sleshaka kapha joint lubrication Through the sub-doshas is how we see kapha present and working within our body. When kapha is balanced it produces ojas, the subtle energy of kapha when all is functioning well. Ojas is the essence of all vital...

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Understanding Kapha Dosha

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

Understanding Kapha Dosha

Kapha dosha is primarily responsible for creating, lubricating, and sustaining the structural integrity of the body. Despite their dominant constitution, children and adolescents are in the kapha stage of their life. They are creating more tissue and building up their body. People with a kapha constitution are a little on the heavier side due to the earth element being so prominent. Their fire is not as strong, so they are slower to process information, and often consider all possible outcomes before making a decision ,or claim. They are emotional, but hide it well. They are reliable and dependable friends; friendships...

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