
Healing the Body

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Healing the Body

To Heal the Body We Must Also Heal the Mind And Senses It is not enough to drink a few teas, up your intake of water, do a few yogic breaths, and think that that should be enough. In order to heal the body, we must heal the mind, the senses, and understand the factors in our life that are causing a disturbance within us. The body is a unit and we must fix it as we fix a car; fix one thing at a time before it's safe to drive again. Dr. Hans Rhyner says "sometimes, the body follows...

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What is Ayurveda?

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What is Ayurveda?

Ayur=life                                          Veda=knowledge   “When this theoretical wisdom becomes part of our day-to-day life, part of our very self, it matures into an art that guides us at every stage of our existence and provides us with the highest quality of life”  Hans H. Rhyner, Llewellyn's Complete Book Of Ayurveda  Ayurveda, both an art and a science , allows you to take the knowledge of your body and connect it with the universal knowledge of nature. It connects and balances your internal...

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Mind, Body, Soul Connection

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Mind, Body, Soul Connection

OM... With our ears may we hear what is good.With our eyes may we behold thy righteousness.Tranquil in body, may we who worship thee find rest. OM... Shanti-Shanti-Shanti Om... Hail to the Supreme Self! As described by Swami Prabhavanada in The Upnishads: Breath of The Eternal, upanishad literally means "sitting near devotedly." We find truth in these ancient words; truth about our being and becoming. Though the translation will never compare, or be precise to the Sanskrit originals, we understand enough to draw our own conclusions and apply them to our life. Under Katha we read this: Know the Self...

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The Importance Of Good Digestion

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The Importance Of Good Digestion

A good and strong digestive system is a signifier of good health. Good digestion allows our body to build strong and healthy tissues. Through good digestion we maximize within our body the potency of all food consumed. Thus, Digestion is the foundation of equilibrium or the foundation of disease.  Digestion of food is of utmost importance to maintaining good health, but it is also irrefutable that the same good could be the source of disease when weakened. The power behind digestion is, agni. Agni, is the Sanskrit word and Hindu deity of fire. The fire that lives within us and...

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How The Food Is Processed (From An Ayurvedic Perspective)

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How The Food Is Processed (From An Ayurvedic Perspective)

In the process of food digestion, secretion of pancreatic and bile juices are induced as the food makes its way from the stomach into the small intestine. After the extraction of most nutrients in the small intestine, the remaining waste products are moved to the large intestine. In the large intestine, water and minerals are absorbed which solidify the waste. In the colon, the waste from all parts of the body await proper and complete elimination. This is the natural process of nutrient absorption and waste elimination -a well-functioning agni at work.   What happens when Agni is not working properly?...

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