Mind, Body, Soul Connection

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

With our ears may we hear what is good.With our eyes may we behold thy righteousness.Tranquil in body, may we who worship thee find rest.
OM... Shanti-Shanti-Shanti
Om... Hail to the Supreme Self!
As described by Swami Prabhavanada in The Upnishads: Breath of The Eternal, upanishad literally means "sitting near devotedly." We find truth in these ancient words; truth about our being and becoming. Though the translation will never compare, or be precise to the Sanskrit originals, we understand enough to draw our own conclusions and apply them to our life.

Under Katha we read this:

Know the Self is the is the rider, and the body the chariot; that the intellect is the charioteer, and the mind the reins. The senses, say the wise, are the horses; the roads they travel are the mazes of desire.

We can conclude from this that our senses are really the foundation of our well-being. Without our senses working optimally, how can we expect the body to maintain health and wellness? Or to be the chariot that sustains the passenger? Without a strong body for the mind to direct, how do we expect the mind to do its job properly and navigate the body? And finally, without and the horses, the chariot, and the driver, how is the Self going to guide itself to where it needs to go?

The soul is a passenger 

It knows exactly where it needs to go, but it can't speak over all of the noise and miscommunication happening between the senses, the body, and the mind. When the senses are well trained, they help the body remain strong and in health. When the body is strong and healthy, it allows the mind to process the information that the Self is transmitting. We can't expect to heal one without healing the rest.

You can't expect to heal chronic constipation by drinking a laxative every morning and forcing the body to eliminate. By putting a chemical barrier in your body, you are literally separating the divine union that is the mind, body, and soul. 

Strengthen the senses, rehabilitate the mind, heal the body, reunite the soul with the Creator! This is how we reach health and longevity. 

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