How The Food Is Processed (From An Ayurvedic Perspective)

Posted by Magali Lomeli on

In the process of food digestion, secretion of pancreatic and bile juices are induced as the food makes its way from the stomach into the small intestine. After the extraction of most nutrients in the small intestine, the remaining waste products are moved to the large intestine. In the large intestine, water and minerals are absorbed which solidify the waste. In the colon, the waste from all parts of the body await proper and complete elimination. This is the natural process of nutrient absorption and waste elimination -a well-functioning agni at work. 

What happens when Agni is not working properly?

When agni is not working properly, one or more of these steps are disrupted; which causes the dosha to be thrown off balance. When the dosha is off balance, it invites disease into the body. Disease causes toxins (could be seen in the form of symptoms. Your body has recruited the help of your white blood cells to combat the disruption) to form; which leads to further disruption of agni.  

Disrupt agni → Disrupt the dosha → Invite disease → Toxins form →  Further Disrupt agni → Further aggravate dosha → Disease begins to solidify → Toxins turn into symptoms → Agni is severely weakened → you get where I’m going here. 

Ama, or toxins, Dr. Hans R. Rhyner explains that “this term refers to events that occur as a consequence of the impaired functioning of agni.” 

What leads to Ama build up?

  • Intake of food containing elements incompatible with one another
  • Intake of heavy or indigestible food
  • Overeating
  • Consumption of raw and uncooked food
  • Use of food that is irritating and capable of causing inflammation of stomach and intestines
  • Intake of cold, food or drink 
  • Intense emotional stress when eating 
  • Irregular dietary habits
  • Change of place
  • Change of season 
  • Change of climate
  • Suppression of naturally bodily urges

In summary,

this is why digestion is so important to maintaining health. Through proper digestion, our body absorbs nutrients, creates new tissue, and purifies itself. We must do our part to make this process easier. We have that  direct influence, to maintain health, or to invite disease to take residence in our body. 
Here are some easy tips to follow to strengthen agni

The essence of Ayurveda is to become aware of how we eat, how the food we eat makes us feel, and what we are able to digest (not all food consumed is digested the same way). The beauty of Ayurveda is that through knowledge of how the body works, we gain knowledge of how our body works in relation to our constitution. We are able to point out what is causing disruption and how to restore order. Here are some easy to follow tips that will strengthen

agni and bring you closer to your body: 


  1. Lemon and fresh ginger tea in the morning, a couple of days a week
  2. Ginger, lime, and salt appetizer 15 min before meals
  3. Chew your food thoroughly, you should be making mush with your teeth before swallowing  
  4. NO SNACKING (by snacking your system is always on “accepting more food” mode, so it doesn’t digest the previous food properly)
  5. Only focus on eating, don’t scroll through social media, watch tv, or talk about sensitive topics
  6. Don’t allow yourself to get too full, the stomach should feel  ⅓ empty 
  7. Eat food that is compatible with your dosha, easy to digest, and in season (if possible)
  8. Avoid fruits with your meal (fruits digest faster than anything else, causing them to ferment in the colon as the other food goes through digestion) - only exception would be cooked fruits


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